Is this You?

  • You’re 50 or over and have been laid off - or you’re just bored and want a new challenge…

  • You’ve watched it happen to others… the slow, not-so-subtle putting out to pasture… and you don’t intend for it to happen to you. What now?

  • You just did it again… stumbled over that SAME OLD THING you can’t seem to “fix”… and it’s caused you some trouble at work, at home, and with relationships. If you could only deal with it already!

  • You’re successful… and restless. You realize it’s time to make a change, but to WHAT?

  • You’ve been a fill in the blank with your profession for so long you don’t know who you are without being THAT and “retirement” is looming.

  • You realize it’s time to make a change, and you’re overwhelmed with the possibilities. What now?

Intuitive Wisdom Coaching blends practical business wisdom, critical thinking and intuition with the latest in neuroscience to help you find and live your next purpose.

Julie Noonan coaching a client.
Julie Noonan walking through Axiogenics Value Assessment with a client.

Transitions Are Julie’s Specialty

Finding you are at a crossroads later in your life, especially one you didn’t see coming, can be scary, challenging, AND this can be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!

I was laid off TWICE in my 50’s (and even twice before that) from high level corporate positions.

I understand what it feels like to be thrown off course without warning and feel the gut punch and the erosion of confidence.

You’ve been successful your whole life.

  • Maybe you’ve been laid off or suspect you are headed that way.

  • Maybe you are facing the slow march toward being “put out to pasture”.

  • Being threatened with the loss of your job or being “phased out” can be that magic first step you have been looking for to prompt you into a future you’ve only ever dreamed about.

  • In fact, it can force you to take the first step towards your next big thing!

What now?

I get it!

I remember being terrified then thinking, “Okay, well, this is my opportunity to build a company with my own rules to serve clients that I want to work with and do projects that make me happy!

And I did!

And I can help you take the next steps toward your dream life too - even if you don’t know where you want to go yet!

My Transition Coaching Package is for you if:

  • You want to take charge and strategize about your next steps

  • You find yourself at a crossroads, having been laid off, let go, or phased out from your most recent position

  • You are ready to find an opportunity that provides more flexibility to live more closely to your purpose

  • You are ready for a career change or new opportunity

Julie Noonan coaching a client.

Watch the episode, click here

Get Out of My Own Way

We all have them… behaviors that cause us to stumble, slip up, mess up and otherwise wish we hadn’t done it (whatever “it” was). These behaviors appear on performance reviews, in informal feedback sessions, in our self-talk… you know what I’m talking about.

That one thing that, no matter how hard you try to eliminate it, raises its ugly head at the worst time and sabotages you?

Sound familiar?

Neuroscience explains that thoughts become behaviors and those behaviors kept us safe early on in life. As we grow and learn, some of those behaviors no longer serve us and have become Biases, getting in the way of making good choices.

On the other hand, thoughts leading to behaviors that serve us and others become Assets.

Developing deep awareness of our Biases and our Assets and avoiding or using them appropriately will add value to our lives and to the lives of those around us.

And making this shift is MUCH easier than you think!

The Get Out Of My Own Way Package is for you if:

  • You are tired of the same old behaviors getting in the way of promotions, relationships, etc.

  • You are open to examining your behaviors and making some simple changes.

  • You want to quit playing your “B-game” and start playing your “A-game”!

Julie Noonan walking through Axiogenics Value Assessment with a client.

Listen to the episode, click here

“What choice can I make and action can I take, in this moment, to create the greatest net value?”

The Central Question

Senior Wise Women’s Enhancement Coaching

(Application Required; by Invitation Only)

Julie Noonan proudly wearing her well deserved crown.

As a woman over 60 who straddles the Boomer and X’er generations, I have spent several years studying the Boomer/X’er career and life journey - and it’s a doozy!

Beginning in the 80’s with real life role models like Barbara Walters and Oprah Winfrey juxtaposed with TV characters such as Murphy Brown and Designing Women all talking about women’s issues on a daily basis, we thought we knew what we were getting into when we entered the Corporate world.

Wow - were we wrong… 

In our home lives, many of us lived with homemaker mothers and were expected to participate in organized religion, yet were exposed to divorce and increasingly wise to the “real” world via the Nightly News

Then some of us went to college - first generation college attendees - with no “guidebooks” on what the unspoken rules of college life were…

That’s where we learned to be strong, to compete, to be ruthless…

… and watch out for the knife in the back - from our women peers.

Barbara Walters, ABC.

Barbara Walters, ABC.

We learned the game of “Survivor” in office politics. 

Fast forward to 2024:

  • Younger generations are bringing more collaboration and trust

  • Technology is moving faster than we can keep up with (can you even spell AI?)

  • Women over 50 want to leave a legacy in their companies and professions, and don’t quite know how to relate to the younger generations

  • You are looking for a change, a purpose, something new, space to figure out “what’s next” without crystals and “woo woo”, and with a good dose of woman’s intuition and wisdom

  • You are hungry to meet other women just like you who want to share their power and purpose with each other

If you are a leader who feels overwhelmed with the sea change in corporate culture, including the new norms, generational gaps, new technology, new language, etc. and you would like to explore ways to remain relevant and vital, the Senior Wise Women’s Enhancement Coaching Package is for you. Membership is limited to 12 at any given time!

Listen to the episode, click here

Coaching Package Details

Whether you’re in transition, you keep doing that one THING, or you just want to find your next purpose for your life and leadership, understand this:

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Select the coaching package that’s right for you to see the details and let’s partner to get started!

  • Corporate business people in their 50’s and over who are laid off or otherwise in transition and are seeking a new opportunity.

    This is a 3-month commitment with an Axiogenics Value Assessment, free one-hour debrief followed by 9 1-hour virtual (Zoom) sessions (2 per month) for an investment of $3,000.

  • Individuals who would like to figure out how to recognize and neutralize those annoying biases and blindspots/obstacles that get in their way of furthering their careers or reaching their life goals.

    This package is a 6-month commitment and contains an Axiogenics Value Assessment, free one-hour debrief followed by at least 12 1-hour virtual (Zoom) sessions (2 per month) customized with the participant to work specifically on adding value in theirs and others’ lives.

    The package also includes unlimited text support with coach and the Valugenics Self Leadership Development course. This includes access to on-line self-paced modules, a student workbook and 12 customized coaching sessions Investment $7,500.

  • Senior women leaders 50+ who are at or near the top of their career and are seeking to identify their next career and life purpose.

    This program requires a 12-month commitment and membership is limited to 12 women at any given time.

    Application is required and applicants are considered on a first-come-first-served basis.

    Retreats are held in May and October with virtual community support provided year-round.

    Further details are provided upon program acceptance. Click here to complete the application.

About Julie Noonan, CCMP, ACC

Julie is an International Coaching Federation accredited coach with more than 30 years of experience in executive coaching, leadership development, change management consulting, and team effectiveness training.

She has worked with numerous industries, but has recently focused her efforts on pharma and healthcare, hoping to make a positive difference in the lives of patients battling chronic disease within a sometimes maddeningly expensive and complex healthcare system in the US.

Julie Noonan headshot.

Julie has a special passion for individuals in transition, facing big changes in their personal and professional lives. She is committed to seeing women gain equal standing and partnership with men in the workforce, in particular.

She works tirelessly to help senior women plan for the end of their formal careers while encouraging them to discover new passions and to support the generations of women coming behind them.

Perhaps Julie is best known for her no-nonsense style and humor – she tells it like it is, is disarmingly authentic, knows enough about technology to be dangerous, and is generous with her greatest asset – nurturing people.